Puppet Characters
Chaman Grey Vidyasagar
The Naughty
Monster 'G'
(G for Green)
Stone Heart
The Singing Flower
Professor and Socky
Mama Bug
and Baby Bug
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Chaman Grey Vidyasagar
Chaman is the studious, shy guy. He loves books and writes poetry.
Delnaz is the doting mom. She loves to invent interesting games for Fenny - her daughter. Being a working mom Delnaz always tries to balances work and home beautifully.
Fenny is Feroz and Delnaz's daughter. She is an inquisitive, energetic child. Fenny loves to go into imagination and build up stories.
Feroz is the loving dad. He loves to engage Fenny with his stories. He is funny and loves role playing!
Mama Bug and Baby Bug
Mama Bug and Baby Bug are the loveable mom and son duo, giving children a glimpse of the fascinating world of bugs and important life-cycle issues.
Monster 'G' (G for Green)
Monster 'G' loves everything green. He loves trees and the nature. He loves his veggies and fruits!
Nandu - The Naughty
Nandu is the naughtiest! He loves to play with Chaman- his best friend!
Bow-Bow is an honest friend
Kusum - The Singing Flower
Kusum is a happy flower who loves to sing.
Professor and Socky
Professor and Socky are the rocking classroom duo, presenting funny classroom situations with humorous interactions making learning fun!
Stone Heart
Stone Heart is a king. He is always angry and that's why everyone calls him Stone Heart. Stone Heart helps children find constructive ways of letting out their anger. With his story children learn that hitting / pushing and shouting can be hurtful.
Sheila is the dancing diva. She loves to sing and dance!